Mimorium - The Route of Haeresis

Angry Metal Guy 60

The Route of Haeresis gave me a rare opportunity to nab a band that earned praise from the mighty Grier. The angrier doc gushed about Mimorium’s second release Blood of Qayin in 2020, comparing it favorably with Dissection’s classics. Mimorium is back with another album of energetic melodic black metal that tries to scratch the same itch as the iciest Swedish bands of the mid-90s. Many have tried this, and few have succeeded. But while The Route of Haeresis doesn’t exactly reshape the future of black metal, it’s a solid slab of fun that’ll whisk you far away from the sun.

While it feels like a lazy analogy, Mimorium really does sound like Dissection. The Route of Haeresis mixes speedy black metal with melodic leads that are eerily reminiscent of Storm of the Light’s Bane. However, Mimorium has no intention of wowing you with polished melodic beauty. Rather, The Route of Haeresis is an unapologetic riff-fest that echoes early Uada in its melding of raw blackness with elements of melody. The Route of Haeresis intersperses its frenetic elements with slower lumbering riffs, which were rarer on Blood of Qayin. The result is an album that is frequently skull-crushing but sometimes falters.

The Route of Haeresis’ strengths are its fiery riffs and choruses. Opener “Invocation of the Nameless One” sets the stage by churning out three high-octane melodic riffs that overpower you within the first 45 seconds. And that’s not even the highlight of the album; Mimorium is just getting started. The Route of Haeresis is full of breakneck sections that are irresistible and unforgettable, like the frantic blackened death opening of “Liberate the Transcendent Essence” and the three electrifying riffs that litter the closer “Circle of the Serpents.” I’ve reserved special praise for “Hand of the Heretic,” a spectacular knock-off of Dissection’s “Thorns of Crimson Death” whose stunning main riff with unhinged drumming has pounded in my head since I first heard it. Mimorium also writes catchy choruses, which stand out and feel like dynamic climaxes even among the intense verses that surround them (“Mirror Dimension,” “Liberate the Transcendent Essence”). When Mimorium aims to match the energy and creativity of their meloblack ancestors, the results are spellbinding.

The flip side is that parts of The Route of Haeresis drag. Many of Mimorium’s riffs fall flat by being either tediously slow (“Succumb to Nightmares”) or just unimaginative (like parts of “Invocation of the Nameless One”). Stacked up next to The Route of Haeresis’ high points, these lackluster sections feel like background noise. Even some of the better ideas on the album are victims of imperfect execution. Tracks like “Liberate the Transcendent Essence” and “Her Palace in Shade” present striking frigid melodies but stretch them for too long, falling prey to excessive repetition. Meanwhile, the mix sometimes blunts the impact of Mimorium’s melodic leads by burying them beneath louder backing guitars (“Mirror Dimension,” “The Route of Haeresis”), a problem that was present on Blood of Qayin but is worse here. Despite its many ripper melodies, The Route of Haeresis’ weaker sections make it an inconsistent listen.

While I’m hesitant to gain a reputation as Madd3.0g, The Route of Haeresis leaves me no choice. The record boasts an abundance of thrilling riffs that have resurfaced in my brain ever since I first heard them. But a combination of some uninspired parts as well as frustrating writing and production decisions hold it back from greatness. The Route of Haeresis is a step down from Blood of Qayin, which rocked harder and was more consistent. Still, it’s a powerful listen and a worthy entry in the annals of melodic black metal, and Mimorium certainly has the chops to release a stellar follow-up. If you like your melodies like I like my coffee, give The Route of Haeresis a shot.

Rating: 3.0/5.0
DR: 8 | Format Reviewed: 320kbps mp3
Label: Spread Evil Productions
Websites: mimorium.bandcamp.com | facebook.com/mimorium
Releases Worldwide: August 12th, 2022

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Mon Aug 22 12:21:43 GMT 2022