The Guardian
Duo Belder Kimura
(Resonus) (2CDs)
This impressively comprehensive study of all CPE Bach’s work for keyboard and violin encompasses sonatas from his teen years to his 70s and maps his progress as an individual voice, naturally influenced by his teacher-father but gradually moving out of his shadow into new areas of expression. The earliest sonatas (the attractive D major example in particular) follow the traditional “trio” pattern, where the right hand of the harpsichord enjoys equal status with the violin; 50 years later we meet a much freer dialogue between the fortepiano and the violin, prefiguring Beethoven. This fascinating development is intelligently and elegantly conveyed by the distinguished Amsterdam-based players Rie Kimura, violin, and Pieter-Jan Belder, keyboards. Recommended.
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Sun Jul 02 06:15:21 GMT 2017